Instantly Reply To Inbound Emails w/ AI!

Whether it’s 3pm or 3am! Reply to all inbound customer sales & support messages with a 1 minute response time + with a full knowledge database of your business.


Trusted By Over 2,000+ Businesses

Everything you need

Your 24/7 Sales AI Agent

Respond To Inbounds Quickly (1 Min)

Imagine getting ALL of your customer inquiries replied to as if you were the one writing the email replies yourself (within 1 minute).

Full Knowledge Of Your Business

Teach your sales agent by uploading all of your customer interactions, emails, knowledge base, sales call transcripts for full understanding.

Works 24/7 Around The Clock

Whether you have 5 or 5,000 emails a day, reply to all of them with precision and accuracy. Even at 3 am, get instant replies for your customers!

Quick Replies = More Sales

If you run a business that requires quick and accurate responses to your customers, improving your overall customer satisfaction will help increase your sales. Don’t let customers waiting!

  • Works 24/7
  • Replies Within 1 Minute
  • Knowledge Of Your Business
  • Custom Email Replies

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Smart features

All the tools you need

Easy to use

Made for everyone

Compatible With Your Favorite Business Tools

Integrate our software with your favorite tools like gmail, shopify, outlook and many more.

  • Easy To Use
  • Fast Integrations
  • Tracking Order Updates
  • Instant 1 Minute Replies


Replies to all inquiries on gmail


Get tracking updates & order information


Customer support at lightning speeds


Frequently asked questions

How do I change the site logo?
Head to the Site Editor and then navigate to the Header Template Part. From there, click on the existing logo and then replace it with a block of your choice. You can use an Image block, SVG, Site Logo or Site Title block as the site logo, the choice is yours. We prefer to use SVGs for logos because they scale perfectly at all screen sizes and also support variable colors which makes them ideal for use with dark mode and animations.
What version of PHP do I need?
PHP 7.4 or higher is required however we recommend PHP 8 or above.
Does this theme require any plugins?
No, there are no plugins required by this theme. Everything you need to design an amazing website is provided by the framework.
How can I add animations to blocks?
Most core blocks have animation supported added. You can add and change transition effects without needing any code.
How do I create an FAQ accordion?
There are 2 ways to add an accordion to your site with our theme. First, you can use an existing accordion from any of the included block patters. Secondly you can create your own from scratch using the core List block. Since the accordion uses a core block variation instead of a custom block, your content will not be lost if you ever decide to switch themes.
How can I display blog posts on the home page?
This theme comes with multiple blog patterns that can be used to display posts on any page. Simply add a blog pattern to your home page template, or the page that is set as the Front Page. You can customize the Query Loop to suit your needs.
How can I save user dark mode preferences?
Cookies can be used to store user dark mode settings when clicking the toggle switch
How do I create a child theme?
We recommend using the create block theme plugin to create your own child themes. With a little know-how, they can be the perfect way to build your own website. They inherit all of the parent theme’s design which saves you a tonne of work and provides a head start for your next project.

Question not answered above? Contact us →

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